Publish : Friday 03 March 2017 By APINYA POOLTRUB จำนวนผู้เข้าชม 4734 คน
On the 23rd
, February 2017 RMUTL, helding Blood doantion activity by cooperating Nursing and Health Service Student Development Division with 10th
Red Cross Blood Donation, Chiang Mai was set up the event “ Blood Donation to
Help people” at Central building hall. The participant were lecturers, staff
and students total 149 persons getting 113 unit or 45,200 cc of blood. The activity started at 09.00 AM. –
03.00 PM.
Translated by Miss. Sasiwimon Chitchana student Majoring in English
for International Communication of Faculty of Bussiness Administration and
Liberal Arts.
Reference : RMUTL Helding Blood Donation Activity
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